As a rule, to restore their violated rights,
people go to court. However,
by entrusting the protection of your rights to a professional lawyer,
you can achieve success faster and shorter.
The legislation of Azerbaijan Republic establishes separate limitation periods for different claims, the delay of which can lead to a fatal outcome.
At the same time, an insufficient amount of evidence in the first instance court may become a reason for the dismissal of legal claims. I offer you high-quality and affordable legal assistance in civil cases:

- Disputes regarding minors, divorce and family matters;
- Division of property acquired during marriage;
- Disputes over the assessment and compensation of damage caused (torts);
- Labor disputes between employees and the employer;
- Disputes over unreasonable debts for utilities;
- Disputes over the protection of honor and dignity;
- Disputes over loan agreements;
- Disputes over the restoration of consumer rights;
- Disputes arising from untimely performance of contractual obligations;
- Disputes on liquidation, amendment and invalidity of contracts;
- Disputes over the use of apartments;
- Disputes over the quality of medical services;
- Cases to determine legally significant facts;
- Disputes on inheritance cases;
- Disputes on inheritance cases;
- Disputes arising from insurance relations;
- Other civil disputes.